Founder and Member of the Board Re-Match A/S.
When Dennis Andersen was introduced to the synthetic turf industry in his capacity as VP of Genan in USA, he quickly started wondering what became of the pitches when they needed to be replaced. His research showed that there was no solution for sustainable handling of worn-out turf available.
Since his background from the Danish shipping industry had taught him to look at a problem as a challenge not yet overcome – he decided to find a way to recycle worn-out turf and started looking into machinery, which could be used for this purpose. After many tests with material from all over Europe, Dennis ended up with clean and fully separated components: sand, plastic fibre, rubber granulate and backing.
With the solution in place, the company Re-Match was founded and today the first facility in Herning, Denmark recycles worn-out pitches from all over northern Europe. In March 2019 an investment from a strong capital partner has initiated an expansionary strategy to build 23 factories across Europe and North America and thereby make Dennis’ solution to true recycling of worn-out turf available to everyone.
March 2019: Founder and Board Member Re-Match A/S
With the investment from the industry growth fund, Nordic Alpha Partners, a CEO was found which enables Dennis to focus on the strategic development of the company’s products and markets.
March 2017 – March 2019: CEO Re-Match A/S
Overall responsibility for daily management and business development.
June 2014 - Feb 2017: Business Development Director Re-Match A/S
Responsible for the commercialisation of the Re-Match concept and the development of the business including development of markets for the end products from the Re-Match process.
Jan 2013 – June 2014: CEO PFP Consulting ApS
Development of the Re-Match process through research and tests.
Aug 2008 – Dec 2012: Director/Vice President, Genan Inc.
Dennis was responsible for establishing the Genan organisation in the United States including sales, logistics, setting up warehouses, staffing, accounting, P&L, reporting, permitting process, legal issues as well as political issues. The generated turnover was $20m a year – and with an exceptional EBITDA.
Sept 2006 – Jul 2008: Branch Manager, Maersk Logistics, Denmark
Dennis managed 15 employees in the export department. This entailed coaching and guiding of employees, pricing for sales and negotiation of rates with prime carriers as well as weekly reporting and P&L to EBT level.